Induction Programme - 2024

Induction Programme - 2024

The Induction Programme commenced with a heartfelt prayer by the Teacher Choir, setting a tone of unity and hope for the upcoming academic year. The Principal warmly welcomed all the dignitaries and staff. His words reflected a commitment to nurture a dynamic learning environment.

The CEO delivered a thought provoking address, focusing on three key areas: improving the marks of board-going students, enhancing the school's brand, and striving for excellence. He urged teachers to implement effective strategies to help students excel and position the school as a leading institution of excellence in the vicinity.

Mrs. Vidhyalakshmi provided a comprehensive wrap-up of the recent Result Analysis meeting. She stressed the areas for improvement and enlisted the back up required from the management ,to achieve better outcomes in the future examinations.

Mrs. Priya Muralidharan, a Trustee of the school, delivered an inspiring speech at the Induction Meet. Expressing her brimmed happiness to address the teachers, she emphasized the mantra of "Aspire, Inspire, and Believe" as the keys to the road of success. She praised GSK as a holistic school committed to leave no stone unturned in achieving excellent results. Emphazing the importance of career counseling for students, she encouraged teachers to actively contribute to increase the school's strength and reputation. She warmly welcomed the new teachers, extending her best wishes for their success in their new roles.

The program concluded with the vote of thanks delivered by Mrs. Vayola, computer teacher.