Wisdom Note - by our acclaimed legend Shri.G.K.Ramamurthy

 Wisdom Note - by our acclaimed legend Shri.G.K.Ramamurthy

          The programme set in motion with the lighting of lamp and rang up the curtain on, with the  chanting of divine  prayer by our choir queens.

        The Principal, Mr.Ganesan extended a warm welcome to the peer gathering. There was an induction session for the newly recruited teachers.

  Our CEO Rtn.Mr.Murali Rao addressed the gathering with his humble words. He appreciated the indomitable efforts taken by all the HOD's and other teaching faculties, during the pandemic - a new normal.

      Orientation programme was conducted by our beloved cum acclaimed Chairman,  Shri.G.K.Ramamurthy.

It was an enlightened wisdom note for developing the attributes of a teacher, which would support them to improvise their relationship skills in the society. His presence is a relishable feast for our eyes and  ears and it was indeed a  tremendous learning experience for the spectators.

          A full fledged, unadulterated wrap up session was done. Vote of thanks was proposed to spread the fragrance of gratitude. The program came to a halt by saluting the nation with the National  Anthem.